Thursday 9 August 2012

Information ministry Procurement Officer deny irregularity allegations over Konza city

Information Ministry Chief Procurement Officer Stephen Mwenda has denied reports linking him and Permanent Secretary Bitange Ndemo to flouting procurement rules while purchasing Konza city land.

Mr Mwenda yesterday said the procurement of the land in Machakos County was carried out in a transparent and open manner and that reports linking him to embezzling public funds were misinformed.

“The procurement of land for Konza city was done above board, the tender was advertised in the Daily Nation and Standard newspapers, we followed the Public procurement and disposal Act procedures,” said Mr Mwenda.

Speaking at a Media briefing at the Ministry of Information and Communication Headquarters in Nairobi, Mr Mwenda, disputed claims that direct procurement of the techno city land was used instead of an open tender citing negotiations held by the government in identifying the top bidder.

“When the tendering process began, we got advice from the Ministry of Land on how best to undertake the procurement of Land in Machakos, we don’t know where the complaint came from,” Mr Mwenda said.

His remarks came after the Daily Nation reported malpractices and irregularities in the procurement of Land in Machakos for establishment of a technology park that would boost country’s growth through creation of over 20,000 jobs.

Anti-corruption report seen by the Nation said that Dr Ndemo together with Mr Mwenda failed to comply with necessary rules while procuring 5,000 acre of land from Malili Ranch for the development of Konza techno city, the land is approximated to have costed the government Sh 1 billion.

There were assertions that three directors of Malili ranch that won the tender of sale of 5,000 acre to Information Ministry at Sh 1 billion had been charged for embezzlement of Sh 143 million and more so they sold the land without approval of the shareholders.

However, Mr Mwenda said that they are waiting completion of investigations over the matter to identify the next step, “the matter is now in the hands of the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) who are conducting investigations and we expect complete report from them to enable us establish way forward,” he said.

EACC had opened new investigation in to the procurement fiasco after the Director of Public Prosecutions ordered further investigations following recommendations that Dr Ndemo and Mr Mwenda be prosecuted for bid-rigging, abuse of office and procurement irregularities.

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