Monday 1 October 2012

NEMA, Nairobi City Council and CocaCola need to deal with issue of pollution in Embakasi

Photos can also tell a story, in this case neglect by government is solving pollution issue in Nairobi's Embakasi Estate. This is one story representing many other cases....................                                  

All Photos taken by Sammy Mburu. 

                                         A Sewer flowing under a railway line. Photo/Sammy Mburu

                                          A Pool of wastes that emit odour smell to nearby Simba Villa Estate in 

                                         A river of sewage and wastes from Bottlers Company flowing in                                                            to the estate

                                          Stagnant sewer near Simba Villa Estate

                                          Reeds and grass that grow due to the Sewer 

                                           The Simba Villa Estate in Embakasi, few metres from Nairobi Bottlers
                                             Company and KQ

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